Introducing Mindfulness
Because We All Experience Stress and Distress
3-Week Program • Begins May 8th
Days & Times:
Tuesdays 5:30 -6:30 PM
Start Date: May 8th
End Date: May 22nd
Program Fees:
Member: $30.00
Non-Member: $40.00
Military: $35.00
An effective introduction for people with no prior meditation experience. Learn how mindfulness can support you in everyday life.
The core 3-session program offers an introduction to mindfulness practice and theory in a format intended to be accessible to anyone new to mindfulness. Three key themes are explored:
Attention: Understanding the mind’s natural tendency to be scattered and to wander; how we can train attention to create choices about where and how we place attention.
Knowing and Being: Exploring different ways of knowing and being; recognizing how much of our experience is shaped by our thoughts; that other more experiential and observing modes are available to us.
Responding not Reacting: Recognizing the difference between reacting and responding and developing ways to create the space to make choices between them.
Participants are introduced to basic mindfulness practices: Sitting Meditation, the Body Scan and explore mindful intentional appreciation and bringing mindfulness into personal interactions moving from reacting to responding.
Benefits of Mindfulness May Include:
• A sense of more space or time in the day
• An ability to resource oneself in more challenging moments such as distractedness, stress or anxiety
• An ability to begin to respond throughout the day with greater clarity, compassion in ways that align with what’s important
• Greater appreciation of what is pleasant and enjoyable in life